Post HIIT Flow Cool Down

Introducing the Post HIIT Flow Cool Down
Our blend of flow yoga stretching and deep breathing is designed to restore heart rate, breathing rate and temperature back to resting.
A TRIB3 workout is probably the toughest session you have EVER done. 45 minutes with heart rate in excess of 80%, elevating breathing rate and core temperature.
At the end of each session the lights switch from RED to LIGHT BLUE signalling a parasympathetic nervous system response. Psychologically you relax, it is over, you made it. Our expert coaches then hand out the cool, wet, lavender-scented towels. You wipe your face, wrists, neck, arms to begin the cooling process.

The towel is placed on your neck and the Post HIIT Flow will begin. As you work through a series of stretches, our cool down track fills the studio with relaxing sounds as we continue to work through movements that will mobilise and loosen key areas worked in every TRIB3 workout from hip flexors, shoulders, hamstrings etc.

During each and every TRIB3 workout we work as a collective, a community, a TRIB3, it is essential that we end each and every workout as a unit, WE ARE STRONG…WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS…